How to create and manage signatures in Apple Mail

A signature is automatically placed at the end of each e-mail message. Let’s see how to create one.

1. Go to Mail… then click Preferences.

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2. Select the Signatures tab.

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3. To delete a signature, select it… then click the minus sign.

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4. Clicking OK will permanently remove the signature. This cannot be undone.

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5. Let’s add a new signature by clicking the plus icon.

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6. Give this signature a name… then click the right window pane and type to edit the signature.

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7. It’s possible to create different signatures for each e-mail address you have added to Mail instead of using the same one for all accounts. Click an account…

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8.  then add a new signature as we did in the last step.

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9. Set the default signature to use for this account.

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That’s it! Now you know how to create and manage your signatures.

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